Over the past few months, working from home has become the “new normal” in Los Angeles. While some people have noticed an increase in productivity, others have been struggling to acclimatize to the ebbs and flows of remote working.

If you’re finding it hard to navigate your new routine, start by creating a workspace that helps you get into the flow of things. We’ve put together a guide to help you recreate Los Angeles’ quintessential home office style and make remote working a little more likeable. Let’s dive in!

Less is More

When it comes to home office style, Los Angeles has a set of very specific preferences: clean, modern, fresh, and simple. In essence, steer clear of designing a gaudy, over-the-top, and eccentric home office. Instead, opt for a neutral palette, crisp furnishings and fixtures, and simple accessories.

We also recommend investing in an ergonomic chair to maximize comfort and back relief. Remember, your workspace shouldn’t just be a visual treat; it should also exude comfort and functionality. For enhanced neck, lower back, and hip support, consider opting for a standing desk and a high-quality seat cushion. These subtle touches will help you feel your best as you work from home.

Indulge in Black Steel Doors

While Los Angeles’ minimalistic home office style is a sight for sore eyes, it’s important to note that it’s not for everyone. If you love adding bursts of color and pizzazz to interior spaces, feel free to do just that. However, avoid going overboard and try to retain a touch of Los Angeles’ classic simplicity and sophistication.

Indulge in a pair of black steel doors to ensure your home office looks luxe, modern, and elegant. You have free rein here; opt for black steel French doors, steel sliding doors, or pocket steel doors. The modern design, bold, black color, and sharp finishing will refine your space and make it appear more polished. This is a great way to feel more enlivened in your home office and boost overall productivity.

Once you’ve added depth and dimension using the right doors, feel free to treat your space to some color and liveliness. Opt for fresh greens, rustic-modern furnishings, and a gray threadbare rug.

As stated earlier, don’t go all out on décor. The simpler, the better. The last thing you want is to continually get distracted because your home office is brimming with garish accessories. Pull the brakes on excessive, extravagant décor, textures, patterns, and blinding colors. Your space will thank you!

Befriend Grays

2021 is the year of grays, especially when it comes to home offices. If you’re looking to switch up your color palette, we strongly recommend considering soft and deep hues of gray. A gray palette will help you add a touch of earthiness and clean luxury to your workspace.

If you’re primarily choosinga gray palette, make sure you add a few bursts of color to your space. Opt for pastels like soft pink, hazy yellow, or faded turquoise.

Once you’ve checked “aesthetic appeal” off the box, start working through your “functionality” checklist. Indulge in a pair of wicker or rattan waste baskets, high-quality LED lamps, and sufficient storage.

We also suggest ensuring that your computer/laptop screen is at eye level. This will help you nip debilitating neck pain in the bud. If there are any deviations, heighten your chair or boost your computer/laptop with a monitor stand or riser.

Personalize Your Space

No matter how aesthetically appealing your space may be, it’ll fail to spark joy if it hasn’t been personalized. As a rule of thumb, make sure your home office reflects your penchants. If you love color, incorporate it into your space. If you need a kick of caffeine first thing in the morning, place your coffee maker near your workspace instead of in the kitchen. If you’re a visual thinker, leverage sticky notes and work calendars.

In essence, your home office should be personalized to a tee. This will help you kick things off on a great note each morning. Dive deeper into your workspace needs, and fulfill them accordingly.As you switch jobs or relocate, ensure continual customization by redesigning your home office accordingly.

If certain elements decrease your productivity, feel free to remove them from your space. While sticking to the design rulebook is important, you can always make changes as you deem fit. Ultimately, create a space that checks off all the right boxes for you.

About the Author

The author designs doors and windows for Pinky’s Iron Doors. With over 42 years of experience, the company offers a wide range of high-quality, aesthetically appealing, and durable doors and windows, including iron entry doors, factory-style steel windows, iron glass doors, iron patio doors, and more. Their collection also comprises door locks, door handles, a proprietary iron door spray, transoms, and sidelights.

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