Big-Ticket Items to Save For Now

Many homeowners are on a constant quest to improve their homes, their comfort, and their lives. Others put off major purchases, subscribing to the philosophy of letting appliances and other items die before replacing them. In either case, and for everyone in between, it’s wise to have some plans in place for the future.

Of course, it’s one thing when the coffee maker or electric tea kettle quits working. It’s quite another when the fridge loses its cool or the washing machine refuses to spin. Without some money set aside for such emergencies, you can find yourself struggling to afford replacements. Saving money beforehand can help you be proactive when timing is everything.

Whether you want to buy or need to buy big-ticket items for your home, it’s smart to have a contingency savings account and a purchasing strategy. Here are four big buys you might want to save for now.

1. HVAC Systems

It costs a lot to keep comfortable in your home. And it’s no surprise that some of the largest appliances in it make up the majority of your energy bills. Those are your heating and cooling units.

Unless you live in the tropics, you probably rely on your furnace to keep warm. But it’s also where you can lose a significant amount of your energy dollar if you aren’t careful. The best furnace can help you hang on to $96 worth of energy for every $100 you spend. Otherwise, you’re letting your hard-earned cash escape into the air.

The hotter the climate you live in, the more you rely on your cooling system. It lowers humidity, improves indoor air quality, and helps keep inside temperatures comfortable regardless of what’s happening outside. All of that is compromised by an inefficient system.

Estimates show that heating and cooling systems consume anywhere from 30% to nearly 50% of a home’s energy usage. Reducing that expense by installing a high-efficiency HVAC system is worth saving up for. Because so much money is at stake, it’s better to begin sooner than later.

2. Solar Panels

True, you’ll need to spend thousands to buy and install panels and systems that capture solar energy and convert it to electricity. But not only is their cost coming down, but tax credits and other incentives are on the way up. Furthermore, in most states, utility companies will buy the energy you produce but don’t use.

Solar panels are definitely big-ticket items for your home, but they benefit you on two fronts. While saving you money on your electric bills, they add value to your home. That’s a one-two punch making solar installation worth investing in.

A Zillow study found that buyers looking to purchase new homes are paying roughly 4.1% more if they already have solar panels installed. Even though the panels add to the value of your home, many governments aren’t adding that value to property tax assessments. That makes solar installation nothing but a win for you.

Bear in mind that as residential solar panels become more ubiquitous, the financial incentives may become less attractive. So if you want to take advantage of the rising tide and do your part to save the planet, now’s the time.

3. Smart Appliances

Appliances manufactured in the 20th century were made to last — and did — for decades. Although today’s models don’t have the same longevity, they’re far more energy efficient. And some of them are far wiser than your grandparents could ever imagine.

Wi-Fi connectivity and remote monitoring and control are two great reasons why you should put smart appliances on your shopping list. Some smart appliances can diagnose problems before they arise and troubleshoot issues before you even know you’re having any. Others save you time and effort, like smart refrigerators that monitor their contents and create grocery lists.

Analyzing purchase costs and operational savings may seal the deal for you. You can expect to pay anywhere from 30% to 50% more for smart appliances than for conventional ones. But you can also expect them to be significantly more energy efficient, which will pay off quickly.

You will need a strong and reliable internet connection to get the most out of your smart appliances. So if you’re putting these on your list of future purchases, you’ll likely want to make a fiber upgrade as well. Use it for the gaming system you’ll be able to play more often since you’re saving time with everything else.

4. AI-Driven Home Automation System

Home automation systems are things of the present, not the future. And AI-enabled features make them even better than ever. Use one to build a better home by developing a customized intelligent ecosystem.

You may already have components of a home automation system. Many homes now have voice assistants scattered throughout them, doorbell cameras, and keypad locking systems. A home automation system is what pulls these tech-enabled wonders together so you can use them in seamless coordination.

AI analyzes algorithms to prompt the thermostat to adjust according to your presence in your home. It adjusts those smart appliances to work with greatest efficiency. And it uses pattern and facial recognition to enhance home security, among other things.

You can control and monitor everything in your home from a single panel. The safety, comfort, and efficiency you will achieve is truly a game-changer. That makes now a great time to invest in an AI-driven ecosystem of your own so you can put your home on autopilot.

Big Ticket, Big Value

Alternative energy sources like solar, 96% efficient HVAC systems, smart appliances, and AI-driven home automation may sound futuristic. The fact is that the future is today.

To take advantage of the cost, energy, comfort, security, and time-saving advantages these purchases offer you, start saving for them now. That way, you can make these major investments sooner. They’re some of the hottest tickets in town.